Saturday, December 18, 2004

Illustrations and Lettering

One of the neater projects in my high school commericial art class was doing a page from a children's book. We were supposed to choose a children's book (I chose one written by a friend of my mother). After reading the book, we were to pick out eight symbols/characters from the book and make a single symbolic illustration that would fit into a 2-inch by 2-inch square. Next, using calligraphy, we were to hand letter the first couple of paragraphs. The illustration is not one of my favorites, but I was quite satisfied with the lettering.

To make extra money in high school and during undergrad, I would do all sorts of hand lettering for people (i.e. wedding invitations, seating cards etc. . .). Now with computers, there really is not much cause for hand lettering.

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